Few Facts You Needed to Know about Brain Stimulation Exercises

The Human brain is a mysterious thing—in both its appearance and working. Things you want to remember the most doesn’t come to mind at the required time and the thing you want to forget just keeps being reminded by the brain. Like the Lord the Brain also works in mysterious ways. That is why it is very necessary to keep your brain active by brain stimulation.

What is Brain stimulation?

The term ‘Brain Stimulation’ refers to the enhancement of brain functions such as memory , intelligence and reflexes by regular or periodic exercises. The functions of the brain will get enhanced once they are put to good functional use. Thus it has been observed and studied through research that the average brain functions well enough if kept under a good healthy routine. This includes many brain engaging exercises that keeps the brain sharp and senses alert.

Why do we need Brain Stimulation?

The exact storage space inside the human brain is not accurately decided. It varies from person to person depending on their age, and length of the memories stored. The brain stores memories in three steps—encoding, storage and retrieval. But with age and affecting diseases the capacity of the human brain to function properly decreases significantly which thus affects normal human life. Experts recommend playing with your mind in order to keep your brain in its perfect condition. Certain Brain Stimulation exercises are suggested by them to not only help improve memory and intelligence but also prevent the brain from getting affected by several diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Some common exercises for the Brain

Listed below are a few brain stimulation exercises that will enhance your brain functions as well as help in your Children’s Brain Development:-

Sudoku and crossword puzzles:- These are the most ancient and most popular brain exercises known to help development of the brain’s intelligence as well as memory. These are also games that are easily available and accessible to most people. Sudoku enhances the mind’s power to think and calculate and thus play with numbers while crosswords develop the mind’s memory the ability to retrieve past memories.

Another easy way to play with your mind is to turn photos upside down. Studies reveal that turning your photos upside down automatically reverts the lazy attitude of your brain and sends it to alert mode, raising your attention levels instantly. As a result you will start noticing small details and concentrate on your daily works.

Involving the other less used senses in your daily routine also enhances your brain function. Brain stimulation begins with stimulation of your senses. Try different stuff engaging your less used senses in your daily jobs. For example, try dressing with your eyes closed or choose clothes based on their texture instead of their looks. This will engage your not-so-used senses and improve your memory and thus stimulate your mind. Various organizations like the Mid Brain Franchise use various blindfolded exercises to stimulate the brain’s activities and even cure diseases.

Though it may sound less of an exercise but getting some good sleep works wonders in stimulating your brain and senses. A good sleep comprising of 7 to 8 hours can boost your memory levels and trigger healthy changes in your brain.

The Natural Way to Instill Intelligence

The innate ability of a child makes him/her way smarter than a grown-up. Children can learn at a greater pace than an average adult. They are sharp; they can absorb new things fast. The only thing that a child lacks (in terms of cognition) is the experience and the intellect that comes with it.

The best thing about a child is that you can mold him/her exactly the way you want. It’s like creating something from scratch. Moreover, if you look at the kids of this generation, you’ll be amazed to see how developed their thought process is. They are much more advanced than the previous generation – thanks to technology. But again, the associated disadvantages cannot be ignored.

When things become automated!

The analogy here is implicit – as the technology is growing at a fast pace, parents are not taking enough effort to shape the minds of their children. They have left their child in the lap of technology expecting them to learn and become intelligent. There is absolutely no doubt that they are intelligent, but they are much more prone to psychological problems and stress at a very early age.

Technology is not the option

Children are not robots at the end of the day. They have a brain, which can learn and evolve with respect to the environment. And there are millions of other reasons why technology and the internet are not the answer to all the problems. Studies and research show that children who are more influenced by technology suffer from anxiety and mental disorders. They are more vulnerable to child abuse in social networking sites. Although there are many positive effects of technology when it comes to the development of intelligence in a child but, in the long run, it is overshadowed by the adverse effects.

The alternatives

The natural way is the best way. And it’s not an exception here. It takes a little more time to develop the skills but it’s worth it. brain exercises for children are most effective as far as children are concerned. Their brain is much more receptive to the new exercises. As they learn and practice more of it, they slowly become better. There comes a point when they have mastered an exercise and are ready to apply it on some real situations. And that’s the beauty of learning it the hard way. And once you have successfully helped your child to get used to this, then you’ll understand the merits of it.

Then there are brain gym exercises for kids which are exclusively devised to focus on certain areas of the brain which are not used frequently. For example, if a child is habituated to use his right hand first in any situation, then these exercises will improve his ability to use his left hand equally.

The right brain exercises for kids can be immensely helpful for children. It is one of the priceless ways to improve a child’s intelligence because you don’t want to ruin your child’s future.

Source: http://www.metheney.net/the-natural-way-to-instill-intelligence/