Make Your Kid a Fast Learner With the Brain Excercises

In today’s world there is a lot of competition and even kids face the stress which comes with the competition of getting the first position. In the process of scoring the highest marks, just reading the books is not sufficient. Even if your kid is doing homework every day or getting good marks in tests, doesn’t means he or she is learning everything. There are many things going around these days and apart from the academics, your kids should be able to make an equilibrium with the other activities around them. These days’ parents are putting emphasis on Brain Exercises for Children which is making the kids not only learn but imbibe the other aspects of life. Everyone wants their children to get good grades along with participation in cultural activities, creative stuff and sports. A kid can not take all this pressure so it is quite essential that the kid goes through some brain excersises so that they develop great learning skills `and they balance their abilities of learning while growing up.

How can Mid Brain Stimulation Help your kid?

At Mid Brain Stimulation, there are various programs which are designed in a way so that a kid can polish their skills according to their potential. Every kid has a left and right part of brain. To make the best use of the left and right brain, there are many exercises in kids brain gym which help them in making equal use of the brain’s potentials. With the help of these programs, one can make best combination of creativity as well as logics. Indulging your kid with such great training will help them in making full use of their brain and they will no wonder become genius.

At Mid Brain Stimulation, each is first tested in terms of their potential and they are given proper attention on the parts they lack in. With the help of the Midbrain Development Program, they are made to use the part of brain which they are not using already. Such programs are designed in order to make the kids focus on all the aspects of the potentials which otherwise they don’t know how to do. In this way they learn fast and remember things and their brains function in a way that it makes their minds better for the bright future.

What are the Brain Gym Exercises for Kids?

These exercises are designed to make the learning abilities of the kids fast. Even if the level of difficulty is raised, the kids still manage to learn and remember things because their brain knows how to work in tough situations. In this way they master the art of making a great coordination between the left part and right part of the brain. It lessens the stress level and helps in boosting knowledge.

The Brain Exercises for Children make them strong within mind as well as body. They are excellent learners and fast problem solvers. When the mind is in a good health, one can do things in a better way.


Tired of Listening that Your Child is a Slow Learner?

If yes, you are not the only parents who are tired of listening that your child is a slow learner. There are many kids who either learn slow or have an issue in memorizing things. There is nothing to worry about this issue because these days there are many ways with which you can train your child’s way of learning. If you have never ever heard of the exercises related to brains, well, here is an important piece of information which can change your kid’s future.

Have you ever wondered, why is your child a slow learner or is bad when it comes to memorizing lessons? Well, this is because he or she is not making the proper use of the brain. The brain has two essential parts the left one and the right one. There are few kids who are only capable of using either left or the right side of the brain. Through training and proper brain development exercises for children, it is possible to let them use both the sides of brain properly. With the help of training they will face less difficulties in understanding the problems and lessons. They will make proper use of their brain and will remember the lessons.

This therapy addresses the causes which are responsible for the slow process of the brain and with the help of scientific principles and the physical exercises for brain the child can get treated for the issue. These training programs are based on the researched techniques which have sure shot results. These programs are designed in a way that lead to effective process of learning. There are Mid Brain Franchise from where the training of kids’ brain can be done.

These programs involve following things:

Brain Teaser Games for children: Learning through quiz is one of the most effective and interesting way. It can be done through picture exercise, numeric exercise etc. It stimulated the brain of the kids and it leads to the growth in the learning process and better performance of brain. These games and quizzes encourage fast learning process.

Sound Therapy: Another effective way to make the brain of a kid learn fast is the sound therapy. Their brain is stimulated through sounds and they get better attention and they learn to communicate in a better way.

Logical reasoning games technique: To make a child learn fast, games are the most effective tool. It can help them get the better understanding of logical reasoning and it develops the powers in them with which they can master reasoning.

Video activities: Visuals have a better impact on kids and we all know that. Making them learn through videos is quite an effective technique. With the help of this one can make the brain of a kid work effectively on subjects like science, history and even math.

Interactive games and activities: With the help of interactive games and activities learning becomes fun and it motivates them to perform well. They make the best of their brain because they are learning things in a way that makes them happy and they take it as game or any other refreshing activity.


Few Facts You Needed to Know about Brain Stimulation Exercises

The Human brain is a mysterious thing—in both its appearance and working. Things you want to remember the most doesn’t come to mind at the required time and the thing you want to forget just keeps being reminded by the brain. Like the Lord the Brain also works in mysterious ways. That is why it is very necessary to keep your brain active by brain stimulation.

What is Brain stimulation?

The term ‘Brain Stimulation’ refers to the enhancement of brain functions such as memory , intelligence and reflexes by regular or periodic exercises. The functions of the brain will get enhanced once they are put to good functional use. Thus it has been observed and studied through research that the average brain functions well enough if kept under a good healthy routine. This includes many brain engaging exercises that keeps the brain sharp and senses alert.

Why do we need Brain Stimulation?

The exact storage space inside the human brain is not accurately decided. It varies from person to person depending on their age, and length of the memories stored. The brain stores memories in three steps—encoding, storage and retrieval. But with age and affecting diseases the capacity of the human brain to function properly decreases significantly which thus affects normal human life. Experts recommend playing with your mind in order to keep your brain in its perfect condition. Certain Brain Stimulation exercises are suggested by them to not only help improve memory and intelligence but also prevent the brain from getting affected by several diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Some common exercises for the Brain

Listed below are a few brain stimulation exercises that will enhance your brain functions as well as help in your Children’s Brain Development:-

Sudoku and crossword puzzles:- These are the most ancient and most popular brain exercises known to help development of the brain’s intelligence as well as memory. These are also games that are easily available and accessible to most people. Sudoku enhances the mind’s power to think and calculate and thus play with numbers while crosswords develop the mind’s memory the ability to retrieve past memories.

Another easy way to play with your mind is to turn photos upside down. Studies reveal that turning your photos upside down automatically reverts the lazy attitude of your brain and sends it to alert mode, raising your attention levels instantly. As a result you will start noticing small details and concentrate on your daily works.

Involving the other less used senses in your daily routine also enhances your brain function. Brain stimulation begins with stimulation of your senses. Try different stuff engaging your less used senses in your daily jobs. For example, try dressing with your eyes closed or choose clothes based on their texture instead of their looks. This will engage your not-so-used senses and improve your memory and thus stimulate your mind. Various organizations like the Mid Brain Franchise use various blindfolded exercises to stimulate the brain’s activities and even cure diseases.

Though it may sound less of an exercise but getting some good sleep works wonders in stimulating your brain and senses. A good sleep comprising of 7 to 8 hours can boost your memory levels and trigger healthy changes in your brain.

The Natural Way to Instill Intelligence

The innate ability of a child makes him/her way smarter than a grown-up. Children can learn at a greater pace than an average adult. They are sharp; they can absorb new things fast. The only thing that a child lacks (in terms of cognition) is the experience and the intellect that comes with it.

The best thing about a child is that you can mold him/her exactly the way you want. It’s like creating something from scratch. Moreover, if you look at the kids of this generation, you’ll be amazed to see how developed their thought process is. They are much more advanced than the previous generation – thanks to technology. But again, the associated disadvantages cannot be ignored.

When things become automated!

The analogy here is implicit – as the technology is growing at a fast pace, parents are not taking enough effort to shape the minds of their children. They have left their child in the lap of technology expecting them to learn and become intelligent. There is absolutely no doubt that they are intelligent, but they are much more prone to psychological problems and stress at a very early age.

Technology is not the option

Children are not robots at the end of the day. They have a brain, which can learn and evolve with respect to the environment. And there are millions of other reasons why technology and the internet are not the answer to all the problems. Studies and research show that children who are more influenced by technology suffer from anxiety and mental disorders. They are more vulnerable to child abuse in social networking sites. Although there are many positive effects of technology when it comes to the development of intelligence in a child but, in the long run, it is overshadowed by the adverse effects.

The alternatives

The natural way is the best way. And it’s not an exception here. It takes a little more time to develop the skills but it’s worth it. brain exercises for children are most effective as far as children are concerned. Their brain is much more receptive to the new exercises. As they learn and practice more of it, they slowly become better. There comes a point when they have mastered an exercise and are ready to apply it on some real situations. And that’s the beauty of learning it the hard way. And once you have successfully helped your child to get used to this, then you’ll understand the merits of it.

Then there are brain gym exercises for kids which are exclusively devised to focus on certain areas of the brain which are not used frequently. For example, if a child is habituated to use his right hand first in any situation, then these exercises will improve his ability to use his left hand equally.

The right brain exercises for kids can be immensely helpful for children. It is one of the priceless ways to improve a child’s intelligence because you don’t want to ruin your child’s future.


The Midbrain Activation Wonder!

Our brain is one of the most important parts of our body and is essential for our survival. A balanced brain makes for a balanced body and hence happy life. And just like any other parts of the body, it requires its own set of exercises as well. While the most common of exercises often involve either solving a clever puzzle or answering some trivia, there are brilliant ways to achieve it! Especially for children, the midbrain activation training can help those leaps and bounds.

What is Midbrain Activation?

Midbrain activation refers to the activities, which nurture the quality of being able to peek through simple blindfolds and be able to see and recognize objects. While this may seem a bit strange, but it has been shown to be possible with some limitations in place. Midbrain stimulation is said to have created this ability whereby the other sensory inputs work in tandem so that vision becomes less important in perceiving the environment and hence gives rise to the ability to see through the blindfold.

How is it achieved?

The midbrain development program is carried out by the help of “nada-yoga” which emphasizes on meditation and the calmness of our mind. In other words, it is this special state of mind that enhances our sensory input and rendering the vision redundant in certain cases. But there are other positives as well. A calm and peaceful mind is in more synergy with the rest of the body and hence creates a more balanced mind. This leads to better hormonal balance and coordination and hence the improvement of health. Midbrain activation program in Delhi helps in increasing concentration power and being able to devote the whole mind to activities at hand without getting easily distracted. This means that for children, it will be easier to learn newer things and be able to pay more attention, which is definitely useful. This means that your children will be able to do better in any kind of activities involving our brain!

What are the limitations?

Note that midbrain activation is not a technique to let children see through opaque matter. It does not give them super powers to do that! Also, it requires a very calm state of mind in positive vibe to be able to do that. The see-through ability only works through normal un-stressful blindfolds and not something like adhesive patches or opaque goggles. It is important to understand these limitations and thus not expect miracles to happen! With this understanding, you know what to expect and what not to.

Midbrain activation can be a great tool to train the brain to become more focused and keep its calm and positive state of the mind. It is indeed a great tool which some very great results if performed properly!


The Problems And Perks of Brain Stimulation

Brain stimulation is one of the advancements in the field of technology which is known to help children, to reveal their true potential and self confidence. Gaining self confidence is an important step towards attaining success in their challenges. Overcoming and living through each second of life is a challenge and kids need to be prepared. Therefore, proper training is necessary which will help to activate the hidden attributes of the midbrain in the child. These trainings will help the child and enable him or her to be true to his/her potential, enjoy and optimally employ the potential.

Problems Faced By Children

It has become very easy to distract children with all the advancement in the field of technology. Most children have poor concentration skills; they get bored easily and treat studying as a painful burden to humanity. Children nowadays are more prone to depression and often resort to day-dreaming. Though day dreaming can’t be condemned as solely negative in nature, excessive day dreaming can be extremely detrimental for the psychological well being of a child. Children have become addicted to video games. They have less amount of outdoor activity; they are more interested in their play-stations and other video games and becoming a couch potato. They don’t like to read and are slow in learning. Due to all of these reasons, nowadays, more and more children are facing depression and other mood disorders at very early ages.


Brain activation stimulation helps to enhance the intelligence quotient of the child and also aid them to excel their performance in school and other avenues of life. The brain gym exercises for kids helps to balance the right and left brain functions, it also helps to elevate the absorption capacity of the memory of the person as well as increases imagination, innovation and emotional independence, which in turn establishes confidence and motivation to excel.

Ideal Conditions

It is important to note that no matter how stimulating these midbrain activation exercises are, ideally, they should be carried out when the children are between 5 to 15 years old. The duration of a training session extends to around 12 weeks, the first two classes of which are crucial. This training session improves intelligence. One of the programmes in this training session includes the right brain exercises for kids, which helps to enhance the creativity in the right brain and awakens the super intuition power in the right brain, in other words, helps to guess the right questions in an examination. Children, who have undergone this training and attended the hyper sensory development course, display a lot of prior concealed potential and develop a very hyperactive brain signal. It is also important to note that all of these exercises have been tried and tested. None of them, are experimental neither are there any chances of harming the psychological growth of the child. They are perfectly safe and help to promote a completely balanced brain growth and stability.

Activating Your Midbrain: The Key to Becoming a Genius!!

Have you ever envisioned your child to attain the touches of a genius? Well it may seem absurd or something out of a fairytale but it really is not so. Midbrain Training Course In Delhi brings to you the opportunity to help your child to train in a special brain development course that will improve his brain functions and hence would be effective in making him much more smarter and active than it was ever before.

What is the midbrain?

There are actually two portions of the brain- the left and the right brain. The Left brain is all about the intelligence quotient of an individual which involves his analytical and reasoning abilities. The modern education system primarily focuses on improving the left brain’s functions. The right brain on the other hand is concerned with emotional quotient and is the centre of our creativeness. If you want your child to become smarter and to improve the functions of the brain, then bridging the gap between these two portions of the brain becomes essential. Here is where the midbrain comes into play. Once the midbrain is activated, it acts as a successful bridge between the two portions of the brain and hence improves the brain’s function from 3% to much more.

What are the inclusions in activating midbrain program?

Activating midbrain program is primarily all about Brain Development Exercises For Children. There are certain exercises which help the children to activate the midbrain and it is these exercises which help them to obtain the activation. The exercises in the beginning have to be conducted daily so that the child gets used to it and maximum results can be obtained. These brain exercises are non verbal and hence can be practiced even if the child is doing something else. The exercises improve the blood circulation to the midbrain, which subsequently helps in the activation process. If practiced in the right way, then the midbrain will be activated within a very short span of time. Once the midbrain is activated, the exercises have to be kept up on a weekly basis so as to not lose the progress made on the brain of the child.

What problems does the midbrain activation course solve?

All the problems regarding education such as disinterest, lack of concentration, hatred for studies and so on and so forth are solved with the help of the midbrain activation course. There are many distractions available in the modern world, which ultimately distracts a child from his destined path of education. Activating midbrain helps the child to overcome these obstructions on their own and hence makes concentrating on studies and enjoying it much easier. School Of Midbrain Group In Delhi provides the midbrain activation program for your child so that you can prepare him for a better tomorrow. Begin as early as possible because young children find it easier to activate their midbrain. Activating midbrain program is a scientific approach and marks a new path of making studies a holistic procedure.


Activation of the Super Abilities of the Kids

The mesencephalon, which is better known, in colloquial term, as the midbrain is located in the frontal part of the brainstem. This region of the brain is indeed very small and aids in the smooth functioning of the motor system, taste, olfactory, visual, auditory and tasting functions. Basically, the midbrain is the main connector of the left and right side of the brain and acts as the bridge between the two sides of the brain. Midbrain stimulation triggers a huge scope for self improvement, especially amongst children between 5 to 15 years of age. This age group has immense potential and midbrain stimulations works best on children.

Criteria for Training and Challenges

Midbrain activation training are given to children who are within the age group of 5 to 15 years of age to combat challenges like lack of concentration, sincerity, slow learning, addicted to gaming- be it video games or any sort of indoor or outdoor games, phobias, reluctance to study and the likes. These are very important challenges for kids and they need to learn how to cope with them. This training helps these children to combat these issues.

Benefits of Midbrain Stimulation

The training is for a period of two weekends. This training is beneficial as it helps to unleash the maximum potential of the child and inculcate self confidence. This training programme also inspires these children, helps them to balance their intelligence quotient and eventually teach them how to excel in all avenues of life.

In the training session, the children are taught the method of how to enhance the absorption capacity of the memory and thereby enhance the focus and concentration. It also makes them more innovative, creative and imaginative as well as, enhances their emotional stability. Once the midbrain gets activated, it remains that way. The brain waves can only improve with age however; parental guidance is advice during the preliminary training sessions. The practice must be done I the presence of a responsible adult around 2 to 3 times a week for 5 to 10 minutes.

The Procedure of Midbrain Stimulation

The training session is inclusive of audio-visual, unique brainwave music and photostrobic stimulation, breathing, eye-ball and brain exercises and other training sessions like imagination, concentration, hyper sensory development training and blindfold activities and trainings. Certain fun activities are also involved. The parental guide includes tips on how to enhance the ward’s progress in diverse avenues and help them to focus, concentrate and build their confidence. These procedures are scientific in nature and not involve any sort of fraudulent practices.

The Centers

There are numerous midbrain educational centers, which provide such trainings all over the nation. Some of the brain gyms in Delhi provide these trainings with such advanced techniques for brain stimulation. There is an institution in Keshav Puram, in Lawrence Road which provides midbrain activation training. Some of the midbrain franchises are in East Delhi in Dayalpur and in Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh.